Series Scoring Rules / Awards
What is Series Scoring?
Series Scoring adds a fun and competitive edge to the Full Moon Trail Series by adding a points/scoring component to determine results and season end awards.
Each race, Trail Series participants will be scored based on their finisher time and earn Trail Points based on Age Grading and Course Challenges.
The most Trail Points Scored by 12 Men and 12 Women are recognized & awarded at the Awards Ceremony.
Why are runners being "scored"?
Mostly for fun! And to add a little friendly competition amongst any Trail Series participants who want to be involved!
What is Age Grading?
Think of Age Grading as a means to level the playing field, such as a "handicap" to golf or bowling.
In running, age-graded scoring is based on how fast you run (by correcting it to what your speed would have been at your prime age) and a percentage value of the world record for your gender.
Performance standards listed on USATF give approximate comparative levels:
100 percent = world record
90 percent = world class
80 percent = national class
70 percent = regional class
60 percent = local class
Age Grading allows a 60-year-old participant to be measured on the same grading scale as a 12-year-old.
The highest percentage finisher earns 500 Trail Points each race.
The second highest percentage is 480 Trail Points, the third is 460 Trail Points, and so on.
Every participant receives Trail Points after crossing the finish line - even the final runner!
Learn more about Age Grading and how you might stack up in general HERE
What are Course Challenges?
Think of a Course Challenge as a "bonus round" within each race - another opportunity to earn trial points
Course Challenges require a participant to complete a segment of the course at a faster average pace than a previous segment.
This is done by strategically placing split-point timing mats along the route.
500 Trail Points are awarded on an all-or-nothing basis for each event, depending on the difficulty of the course challenge.
Roughly 25% of Full Moon Trail Series participants were able to complete a course challenge in 2023.
For example: Participants must run their final .25 at a faster average pace than their first 3.75 miles in the 4-mile Race to earn an additional 500 trail points.
What about Awards?
In each trail race - the top 3 individual male/female gun-timed finishers receive an award - regardless of whether they are a Trail Series participant or an individual registrant.
Trail Series Awards Ceremony
The Highest Trail Points Scored by 12 Men and 12 Women are recognized & awarded at the Awards Ceremony.
Expect a wide age range to be in contention!
Below are 2023's results
Additional Wildlife Awards:
Below are 2023's Wildlife Awards - 2024 categories may be different!
Consistent Camel (did you maintain a similar pace for all your races?)
Progressive Peacock (did your pace get progressively faster from the 3-mile to the 5-mile race?)
Tortoise of the Trails (did you spend the most time on the trails?)
Young Buck (youngest runner)
Mature Moose (oldest runner)
Black Cat # 13 (did you just miss the top 12 in the Series?)
What else should we know?
Runners will only be scored on the LIVE events they attend (no virtual submissions) - they do not need to be at all 4 events to score, but it certainly helps!
Virtual Trail Series participants and individual race registrants are not in contention for Series Scoring
Results will be posted after each race at: